There are lots of blogs out there to help you learn how to do family history research. This blog lets you watch our progress as we roll the Canadian Genealogy Survey out across the country. We'll also track developments in research on family history. It's a bit of a twist, but we hope you'll find something of interest. We welcome your comments.

If you haven't taken the survey yet, you can find it at:

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Genealogist Awarded Order of Canada

Atlantic Canada's premier public genealogist, Terry Punch, was awarded the Order of Canada this week for his ongoing contributions to genealogical research in the region. Punch is the author of several books dealing with Irish Nova Scotians and a popular radio commentator on the regional CBC news at noon show.
Congratulations Terry....

Introducing the newest member of our team... Lisa Craymer

Sprott School of Business student Lisa Craymer will be working with the Canadian Genealogy Survey team as our research assistant for the fall semester. Lisa will be helping us get word about the survey out to family historians across Canada and will also be contributing to our blog.

She's pictured at our table at the BIFHSGO Conference, where we've been chatting with people about the survey. If you are in the Ottawa area, it's not too late to attend. The conference runs today and tomorrow (September 17 and 18). BIFHSGO accepts walk-in registrations and we'd love to see you too!

Thanks to our fellow exhibitors: Arnprior and McNabb/Braeside Archives, Osgoode & Township Historical Society, Rideau Township Historical Society, and Gatineau Valley Historical Society for agreeing to spread the message about the survey to their members and clients.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Attending the BIFHSGO Conference this weekend!

Looking forward to attending the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) Conference in Ottawa this weekend, September 16th-18th. We're hoping to chat with lots of people interested in family history and perhaps answer some questions about the survey. If you're planning to attend, come visit us! Our table is located across the corridor from the ladies' washroom - sure to be a high traffic location. If you haven't registered already, walk-in registrations are accepted. For more info: check out the BIFHSGO website.